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» » 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Biological protection of plants is the basis of stabilization of agroecosystems. Formation and perspectives of the development of organic farming In Russian federation"

10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Biological protection of plants is the basis of stabilization of agroecosystems. Formation and perspectives of the development of organic farming In Russian federation"

10th International Scientific and Practical Conference

"Biological protection of plants is the basis of stabilization of agroecosystems.

Formation and perspectives of the development of organic farming

In Russian federation"

September 11-14, 2018, FGBNU VNIIBZR, Krasnodar

Within the framework of the conference it is planned:

Plenary session. Formation and perspectives of the development of organic farming

In Russian federation.

Section 1. Development of new technologies for phytosanitary monitoring using remote measurements using UAV and molecular genetic methods.

Section 2. Biodiversity of ecosystems - the basis for the development of the production of biological plant protection products and natural biocenotic regulation.

Section 3. Development of an assortment of biological plant protection products based on beneficial organisms and substances of natural origin for organic farming.

Section 4. Selection of resistant varieties of agricultural crops for use in organic farming technologies.

Section 5. Development of integrated systems for biological protection of crops for organic farming technologies.

Section 6. Ecological and economic components of organic agriculture. Progressive restoration of soil fertility, biodiversity of useful biota and natural biocenotic regulation.

Section 7. Certification of organic agricultural products. enterprises and products. Examples of successful management and development of organic farming in Russia.

September 13 is the school of young scientists.

It is planned to publish the materials of the conference with placement in the information and analytical database of the RICC. Deadline for submitting materials is June 5, 2018.

The registration fee is 3000 rubles for residents of Russia and CIS countries, 1,000 rubles for young scientists and graduate students, and $ 100 for foreign participants.

With distance participation, the cost of 1 publication is 1000 rubles. (regardless of the number of co-authors).


Within the framework of the conference, an exhibition-presentation of new biological plant protection products and technologies for their effective application will be held.


The contract for participation in the conference will be displayed on the Institute's website in the section of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference. After filling it in and receiving it at VNIIBZR, an invoice will be billed for payment of the registration fee.

A cultural program will be organized within the framework of the conference.


To participate in the conference, it is necessary to register on June 5 at the Institute's website at: http // / en / reg /


The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.



Requirements for the design of materials:

File in MS Word format (doc extension). Page size: A5 (148 × 210 mm).

Margins: 2 cm from all sides. Line spacing: single. Font: Times New Roman, 9 pt. Material volume: up to 3 pages.

Structure of the material:

- UDC (font bold capital, alignment to the left).

- TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (font bold capital, center alignment).

- Empty line

- Surname I.О. author (authors) (font - bold, line, center alignment).

- Place of work / study of the author (authors) (font - italics line, alignment in the center).

- E-mail (font - line, right alignment).

- Empty line

- Summary (italics)

- Empty line

-Key words (italics)

- The main text (alignment in width, paragraph - 0.5 cm). In the text are forbidden

automatic hyphenation. When typing to jump to the next paragraph

use Enter. To go to the next paragraph, you can not use

tabulation and multiple spaces.

- When typing in figures, represented as decimal fractions, the whole part

should be separated from a fractional (or zero) point, rather than a comma (for example - 23.6 or 100.0).

Between the number and the percent sign (%), you should leave an interval (for example - 15.3%).

- Materials can be presented in tables in Word format only in

horizontal layout, formulas in the standard Word formula editor.

- Drawings (diagrams, graphs, etc.) are provided in JPEG format.

- Literatura (header - font line, bold, sparse, alignment

in the center; list - font line, alignment to the width, paragraph - 0.5 cm).


- title of the article, name and initials of the author (s), summary, key words in English.


Sample of materials design


UDC 123-45678



Ivanov II, Petrov PP, * Sidorov S.S.

Moscow State University (Moscow),

* All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection (Krasnodar)



Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...............

Keywords: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .......





Ivanov I. I., Petrov P. P., * Sidorov S. S.

Moscow State University (Moscow),

* All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection (Krasnodar)



Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... ...............

Keywords: ................................................................................................................................................ ....



The main text of the article ............................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................................... ......

Table 1. Name of the table


The main text of the article ..............................................................................





Pavlyushin V.A. Scientific support of plant protection and food security of Russia // Protection and quarantine of plants. 2010. № 2. With. 11-15.

Tyuterev S.L. Scientific foundations of the induced disease resistance of plants. St. Petersburg. : VIZR, 2002. 328 p.

Joyce S.M., Cassells A.C., Jain S.M. Stress and aberrant phenotypes in vitro culture // Plant Cell, Tissue Organ Cult. 2003. Vol. 74. P.103-121.

Savoy GI Cockcinellids. Alma-Ata: Science, 1983. 248 p.



Responsibility for the scientific wording and reliability of factual material rests with the author (s).

Materials will be considered only if there is an application and payment for the publication.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that are not drawn up according to the requirements and do not correspond to the topics of the conference.



With all the detailed information you can find on the Institute's website in the section of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference: http // / en / 10-yamezhdunarodnaya-konferenciya /

 Planiruyetsya publikatsiya materialov konferentsii s razmeshcheniyem v informatsionno-analiticheskoy baze RINTS. Srok podachi materialov – do 5 iyunya 2018 g.

Organizatsionnyy vznos  — dlya zhiteley Rossii i stran SNG – 3000 rub., dlya molodykh uchenykh i aspirantov – 1000 rub.,  dlya zarubezhnykh uchastnikov – 100 $.

Pri zaochnom uchastii stoimost' 1 publikatsii – 1000 rub. (nezavisimo ot chisla soavtorov).


V ramkakh konferentsii budet provodit'sya Vystavka-prezentatsiya novykh biologicheskikh sredstv zashchity rasteniy i tekhnologiy ikh effektivnogo primeneniya.


Dogovor na uchastiye v konferentsii budet vystavlen na sayte instituta  v razdele 10-y mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Posle yego zapolneniya i postupleniya vo VNIIBZR budet vystavlen schet na oplatu orgvznosa.

V ramkakh konferentsii budet organizovana  kul'turnaya programma.


Dlya uchastiya v konferentsii neobkhodimo do 5 iyunya zaregistrirovat'sya na sayte instituta  po adresu: http//


Rabochiye yazyki konferentsii – russkiy, angliyskiy.



Trebovaniya k oformleniyu materialov:

Fayl v formate MS Word (rasshireniye doc.). Razmer stranitsy: A5 (148×210 mm).

Polya: 2 sm so vsekh storon. Mezhstrochnyy interval: odinarnyy. Shrift: Times New Roman,  9 pt. Ob"yom materiala: do 3 stranits.

Struktura materiala:

— UDK (shrift poluzhirnyy propisnoy, vyravnivaniye po levomu krayu).

— NAZVANIYe STAT'I (shrift poluzhirnyy propisnoy, vyravnivaniye po tsentru).

— Pustaya stroka

— Familiya I.O. avtora (avtorov) (shrift – poluzhirnyy, strochnyy, vyravnivaniye po    tsentru).

— Mesto raboty/ucheby avtora (avtorov) (shrift – kursiv strochnyy, vyravnivaniye po    tsentru).

— E-mail (shrift – strochnyy, vyravnivaniye po pravomu krayu).

— Pustaya stroka

— Rezyume (kursiv)

— Pustaya stroka

-Klyuchevyye slova (kursiv)

— Osnovnoy tekst (vyravnivaniye po shirine, abzats – 0,5 sm). V tekste zapreshcheny

 avtomaticheskiye perenosy. Pri nabore teksta dlya perekhoda k sleduyushchemu abzatsu

   sleduyet ispol'zovat' Enter. Dlya perekhoda k sleduyushchemu abzatsu nel'zya ispol'zovat'

   tabulyatsiyu i mnozhestvennyye probely.

— Pri nabore teksta v tsifrakh, predstavlyayemykh v vide desyatichnykh drobey, tseluyu chast'

sleduyet otdelyat' ot drobnoy (ili nulya) tochkoy, a ne zapyatoy (naprimer – 23.6 ili 100.0).

Mezhdu chislom i znakom protsenta (%) sleduyet ostavlyat' interval (naprimer – 15.3 %).

— V materialakh mogut byt' predstavleny tablitsy v formate Word tol'ko v

gorizontal'nom raspolozhenii, formuly v standartnom redaktore formul Word.

— Risunki (diagrammy, grafiki i pr.) predostavlyayutsya v formate JPEG.

— L i t ye r a t u r a (zagolovok – shrift strochnyy, poluzhirnyy, razrezhennyy, vyravnivaniye

po tsentru; perechen' – shrift strochnyy, vyravnivaniye po shirine, abzats – 0,5 sm).


— nazvaniye stat'i, familiya i initsialy avtora(ov), rezyume, klyuchevyye slova na angliyskom yazyke.


Obrazets oformleniya materialov


       UDK 123-45678



Ivanov I.I., Petrov P.P., *Sidorov S.S.

Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moskva),

 *Vserossiyskiy NII biologicheskoy zashchity rasteniy (Krasnodar)




Klyuchevyye slova: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….





Ivanov I. I., Petrov P. P., *Sidorov S. S.

Moscow State University (Moscow),

 *All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection (Krasnodar)




Keywords: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Osnovnoy tekst stat'i …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Tablitsa 1. Nazvaniye tablitsy


Osnovnoy tekst stat'i ……………………………………………………………………




L i t ye r a t u r a

Pavlyushin V.A. Nauchnoye obespecheniye zashchity rasteniy i prodovol'stvennaya bezopasnost' Rossii // Zashchita i karantin rasteniy. 2010. № 2. S. 11-15.

Tyuterev S.L. Nauchnyye osnovy indutsirovannoy bolezneustoychivosti rasteniy. SPb. : VIZR, 2002. 328 s.

Joyce S.M., Cassells A.C., Jain S.M. Stress and aberrant phenotypes in in vitro culture // Plant Cell, Tissue Organ Cult. 2003. Vol.74. P.103-121.

Savoyskaya G.I. Koktsinellidy. Alma-Ata: Nauka, 1983. 248 s.



Otvetstvennost' za nauchnuyu redaktsiyu i dostovernost' fakticheskogo materiala vozlagayetsya na avtora (ov).

Materialy budut rassmatrivat'sya tol'ko pri nalichii zayavki i oplaty publikatsii.

Orgkomitet ostavlyayet za soboy pravo otklonit' materialy, oformlennyye ne po trebovaniyam i ne sootvetstvuyushchiye tematike konferentsii.



So vsey podrobnoy informatsiyey Vy mozhete oznakomitsya na sayte instituta v razdele 10-y mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii: http//



S uvazheniyem

Orgkomitet konferentsii


Nash adres: 350039, Krasnodar-39, VNIIBZR,

Tel.: (861) 228-17-75;  faks (861) 228-17-76.

e-mail: vniibzr-conference- Максимально допустимое число символов (5000) превышено на 28:
 It is planned to publish the materials of the conference with placement in the information and analytical database of the RICC. Deadline for submitting materials is June 5, 2018.

The registration fee is 3000 rubles for residents of Russia and CIS countries, 1,000 rubles for young scientists and graduate students, and $ 100 for foreign participants.

With distance participation, the cost of 1 publication is 1000 rubles. (regardless of the number of co-authors).


Within the framework of the conference, an exhibition-presentation of new biological plant protection products and technologies for their effective application will be held.


The contract for participation in the conference will be displayed on the Institute's website in the section of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference. After filling it in and receiving it at VNIIBZR, an invoice will be billed for payment of the registration fee.

A cultural program will be organized within the framework of the conference.


To participate in the conference, it is necessary to register on June 5 at the Institute's website at: http // / en / reg /


The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.



Requirements for the design of materials:

File in MS Word format (doc extension). Page size: A5 (148 × 210 mm).

Margins: 2 cm from all sides. Line spacing: single. Font: Times New Roman, 9 pt. Material volume: up to 3 pages.

Structure of the material:

- UDC (font bold capital, alignment to the left).

- TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (font bold capital, center alignment).

- Empty line

- Surname I.О. author (authors) (font - bold, line, center alignment).

- Place of work / study of the author (authors) (font - italics line, alignment in the center).

- E-mail (font - line, right alignment).

- Empty line

- Summary (italics)

- Empty line

-Key words (italics)

- The main text (alignment in width, paragraph - 0.5 cm). In the text are forbidden

automatic hyphenation. When typing to jump to the next paragraph

use Enter. To go to the next paragraph, you can not use

tabulation and multiple spaces.

- When typing in figures, represented as decimal fractions, the whole part

should be separated from a fractional (or zero) point, rather than a comma (for example - 23.6 or 100.0).

Between the number and the percent sign (%), you should leave an interval (for example - 15.3%).

- Materials can be presented in tables in Word format only in

horizontal layout, formulas in the standard Word formula editor.

- Drawings (diagrams, graphs, etc.) are provided in JPEG format.

- Literatura (header - font line, bold, sparse, alignment

in the center; list - font line, alignment to the width, paragraph - 0.5 cm).


- title of the article, name and initials of the author (s), summary, key words in English.


Sample of materials design


UDC 123-45678



Ivanov II, Petrov PP, * Sidorov S.S.

Moscow State University (Moscow),

* All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection (Krasnodar)



Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...............

Keywords: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .......





Ivanov I. I., Petrov P. P., * Sidorov S. S.

Moscow State University (Moscow),

* All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection (Krasnodar)



Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... ...............

Keywords: ................................................................................................................................................ ....



The main text of the article ............................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................................... ......

Table 1. Name of the table


The main text of the article ..............................................................................





Pavlyushin V.A. Scientific support of plant protection and food security of Russia // Protection and quarantine of plants. 2010. № 2. With. 11-15.

Tyuterev S.L. Scientific foundations of the induced disease resistance of plants. St. Petersburg. : VIZR, 2002. 328 p.

Joyce S.M., Cassells A.C., Jain S.M. Stress and aberrant phenotypes in vitro culture // Plant Cell, Tissue Organ Cult. 2003. Vol. 74. P.103-121.

Savoy GI Cockcinellids. Alma-Ata: Science, 1983. 248 p.



Responsibility for the scientific wording and reliability of factual material rests with the author (s).

Materials will be considered only if there is an application and payment for the publication.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that are not drawn up according to the requirements and do not correspond to the topics of the conference.



With all the detailed information you can find on the Institute's website in the section of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference: http // / en / 10-yamezhdunarodnaya-konferenciya /



Yours faithfully

Organizing Committee of the Conference


Our address: 350039, Krasnodar-39, VNIIBZR,

Phone: (861) 228-17-75; fax (861) 228-17-76.

e-mail: vniibzr-conference-

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