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» » Protocol No. 12 of the XIIth Session of the General Assembly of the IOMB

Protocol No. 12 of the XIIth Session of the General Assembly of the IOMB

The General Assembly considered the following items on the agenda:
1) Report on the work of the IOMB for 2013-2016.
2) Reports of the representatives of the Standing Committees and the heads of the Temporary Working Groups on the implementation of the program of their activities for 2013-2016.
3) On the accession of new organizations to the Section.
4) On the formation of new Standing Committees and Temporary Working Groups.
5) Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the Council of the IOMB
6) Election of the governing and executive bodies of the IOPSB for 2017-2020.
7) On the plan of the activities of the IOPS of the World Bank for 2017-2020.
8) Adoption of Minutes of the 12th Session of the General Assembly of the IOMB.

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The International organisation for Biological Control
East Palearctic Regional Section

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